Making Manufacturing In America GREAT Again
Posted on August 30 2019

FREEDOM To Choose American Manufacturing
Anna Taylor
I tried to meet the demand for lower prices by manufacturing in China. I'll never make that mistake again and am proud to have brought 100% of manufacturing to the U.S.
I founded Dene Adams in 2013 out of pure necessity and patriotism. My brother was on another long deployment and I had nearly given up the thought of practicing my 2nd Amendment right because I couldn't find a practical holster. I decided it was my duty to solve the problem. I invented the first Concealed Carry Corset Holster and original Carry wear holster line. I found a manufacturer in New York that was owned by a 2nd generation Italian immigrant family. I have been with them ever since.
In November 2016 by "Purses Are For Lipstick" video went viral reaching over 80 million people all over the world. This was a game changer, we sold out during the busiest season of the year. I needed back up and fast! While all orders were filled through our American manufacturer I planned ahead for 2017 sourcing goods from China in a effort to reduce cost and increase quantity. Not only did I not save a dime but after shipping, fees and dis-guarded defects we lost a lot of money. Further more the delivery arrived nearly 60 days after the promised delivery window. This late delivery cost Dene Adams over $340,000 in fourth quarter revenue in 2017.

I remember feeling like "Anna, shame on you! Your whole brand represent FREEDOM and EMPOWERMENT. " I had the idea that by cutting manufacturer costs, I could create more executive level American jobs on the front end. I was wrong. There has to be a better way! I took a long hard look in the mirror and determined to find a way to keep all manufacturing on American soil. That is what I did in 2018, I successfully brought all manufacturing back to the U.S.! As it turns out 2018 was a great year for American manufacturing which has carried over to 2019.
According to
"In 2019 America saw it's greatest American manufacturing job
growth in 30 years!"
Editor Steve Goldstein elaborated saying
"Last year, 264,000 new manufacturing jobs were added, representing the highest number of new workers since 1988. As a percent of the total workforce, manufacturing rose for the first time since 1984.
The spike in the cost of freight containers due to consolidation, and the severe shortage of truckers, has raised transportation costs." See full article here.

One thing I've learned is the Average Chinese manufacturer defect rate is 25% while the average American rate is 7%. Dene Adams ranks among the lowest in the industry with a defect rate of less than 1% on our American made pieces. Defects are costly and American made quality simply can't be beat. Some small American businesses might think they are saving money by taking advantage of cheap Chinese labor. However, they can loose big time on the back end when the 25% defected items have to be pulled from inventory. Most importing contracts in my experience write off these defects as "just a cost of doing business". in 2019 we launched our "Making American Manufacturing Great Again campaign" in an effort to sell off remaining imported inventory at a discounted rate steadily replacing them with TRUE American goods.
It was a big leap to go all in AMERICAN but I did it! The Dene Adams Brand can now represent Freedom and Empowerment with dignity! I can look at myself in the mirror and know that I am creating American jobs and practicing what I believe in. Not only did we cut off manufacturing in China but our American Made goods are being exported! 2020 is looking very bright for Dene Adams' American made holsters. Our concealed carry corsets, thigh holsters, Bra's and original carry wear leggings are becoming a staple to the second Amendment wardrobe. As well as the "ditch the purse" idea of carrying all your essentials and living hands free.
Support American made, buy American made & demand American made. There is no better time than TODAY! Lets make American Manufacturers Great Again!.
Published by Anna Taylor 8/30/2019
Copyright 2019 Dene Adams LLC